
A manuscript takes shape.  Whatever genre, it moves from inspiration and story to foundation and form. There can be seismic shifts in point of view.  There can be events that open beneath the writer’s feet, exposing.  Then there is the craft that aims to sustain and fortify the narrative. Along the way, the writer tests its readiness, shares with first readers, then second readers.  Finds her trusted and obsessive deep dive editors.  And then, on to publishers, hoping to find a home, a home that loves the work.

And now, my manuscript is a printed book, with a real cover and everything, and there are readers. And I’ve discovered the joy of feedback from readers!  Thank you to those who’ve shared your thoughts on Atlas with me. It’s meant so much that you’ve found it “glorious and painful, intriguing, well-crafted, touching and compelling. to Dan and Susan, Pat, Michael, Joyce, Nancy, Jo and Simone….    Thank you thank you thank you, for taking the time to share what this book meant to you!


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